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Principles and recommendations from the Restoration Blueprint

The Blueprint sets out principles and recommendations for policy and planning related to post-mining lands. These steps will provide a more stable foundation for the Hunter Valley’s transformative next phase.These recommendations have been formed through community engagement and expert consultation coordinated through the Hunter Renewal Project.

Rehabilitation & Landscape Restoration
Mine-owned lands will be restored to support biodiversity and regenerative industries

  • Set legal obligations to prevent mine operators from leaving final voids that will become perpetual hazards to human and environmental health

  • Increase and enforce penalties for failure to meet progressive rehabilitation commitments​

  • Establish an independent Centre of Excellence in the Upper Hunter to research, develop, and demonstrate best practice standards for mine rehabilitation

  • Increase security bonds to cover the true cost of rehabilitating each mine.


Regional Planning & Governance
Planning and policy mechanisms will be coordinated to achieve landscape restoration and a just transition for Hunter communities

  • Increase coal mining royalties to fund the Hunter's transition and repair the landscape through long-term ecosystem restoration

  • Create an independent Hunter Rehabilitation and Restoration Commission to develop a landscape vision for the region, coordinate restoration, and enforce best practice standards for mine rehabilitation and closure

  • Use disturbed land closest to infrastructure for new industry to limit additional impacts on communities and the environment.

The needs, expectations, and values of Hunter communities will be at the centre of post-mining land use planning

  • Mandate greater community involvement in post-mining land use planning

  • Ensure new developments benefit Hunter communities for the long-term through prioritisation of local jobs and mechanisms such as community ownership and profit sharing schemes

  • Create a public information hub showing maps and details of current rehabilitation plans and progress, closure plans, and post-mine development proposals

  • Increase funding to TAFE for new courses that train local people for jobs in regenerative industries.

First Nations
Traditional Owner responsibilities to Country and Indigenous knowledge will play a greater role in restoration of mining land and future land use planning

  • Support the return of mine-owned land, especially unmined buffer lands, where sought by Traditional Owners

  • Engage Traditional Owners in decision-making and planning for new projects on mining lands, from the outset

  • Prioritise employment for local Indigenous people in land use restoration and rehabilitation projects.

Climate & Environment
Restoration and reuse of mining lands will be consistent with achieving a safe and stable climate

  • Set caps on carbon emissions and water use on all current mining activities and future developments on mining lands

  • Establish a region-wide biodiversity corridor system that includes rehabilitated mined lands and restored buffer lands

  • Prioritise the restoration of waterway ecosystems on post-mining land.

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